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Enlargement of the database

It is considered to expand the database and for this purpose there was a survey among the members about the priority of the possible additional information suche as Volume information, MEA, further price regulated products or Medical devices should and can be included in the database. The survey is still ongoing.

Our new public website is online!

Finally the time has come and our official website is online. You can find all necessary information regarding the EURIPID project on this website. It should give an overview of the organization and the content of the project. The new website includes a newsletter function also. This newsletter will contain news from and beyond our […]

EURIPID survey – Sharing information about confidential agreements

In the light of the WHA resolution in 2019 on improving transparency in the medicines’ market, the EURIPID Executive Committee launched a survey to explore feasible options to foster information exchange and cross-country collaboration in this field. The survey focused on high-cost and on-patent medicines, for which the sharing of price information is potentially more […]