Monitoring the ‘Future of EURIPID’

The EURIPID collaboration held its annual meeting of the Board of Participants (BoP) in Brussels on 4-5th June 2024. A total of representatives of 19 BoP members gathered at the Belgian Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (RIZIV INAMI).

At the BoP meeting, besides the update on current matters of EURIPID and the presentation of analysis that can be done with EURIPID data, the focus of the meeting was to define how EURIPID can be further improved, compromising data utilisation for internal use and data access for external users.

The BoP meeting was followed by the EURIPID ACCESS project meeting on the 6th June. At that meeting, project partners mainly discussed current and upcoming tasks and associated challenges.

Things you can do with EURIPID data

The EURIPID database constitutes more than 30 Mio. data points on prices of medicinal products and since 2019 also information on volumes and the existence of Managed Entry Agreements (MEA) in EURIPID member states. This makes EURIPID a valuable source of information for analyses in the field of pharmaceutical pricing & reimbursement, beyond purposes of External Reference Pricing (ERP).

Three policy briefs produced under the EURIPID ACCESS project funded by the European Commission give insights how such analysis could look like. On 21 May 2024 the EURIPID Collaboration organised a stakeholder webinar, at which the results of the policy briefs were presented. The studies—conducted in Belgium, Portugal and Slovenia—looked at anti-diabetic drugs, human normal immunoglobulin and biosimilars, respectively. As part of the project grant the methodological approaches and results of those policy briefs will be used to improve the database and to support EURIPID members by generating business intelligence reports.

Conference Report from the EURIPID Workshop

On 25 and 26 April 2024 the 5th PPRI Conference of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies was held at the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna. More than 250 participants from more than 40 countries discussed about burning challenges related to equitable and affordable access to medicines worldwide ( On the second day of the conference, the EURIPID Collaboration organised a workshop about „How the Euripid collaboration contributes to improving access to biosimilars“. The workshop was moderated by Claudia Habl who serves as Secretary of the Board of Participants (BoP) of the EURIPID collaboration. In her welcoming address she set the framework on Biosimilars, policies to encourage their uptake and remaining challenges regarding access to biosimilar medicines.

The first keynote was given by Gergely Németh from the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK) and project manager of EURIPID, who introduced the EURIPID collaboration to the participants of the workshop. He emphasised the data content of the EURIPID database and the possibility for researchers to apply for data extracts. Mr. Németh concluded his presentation with an outlook on the expected outcome of current activities like the EC grant „EURIPID access“ or involvement in the WHO-EURO Access to Novel Medicines Platform.

In the second keynote, Matjaž Marc from Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Slovenian Republic (JAZMP) talked about the „Impact of market entries of biosimilars in Slovenia“, a policy brief produced under the current EC grant. The analysis aimed to demonstrate the capabilities of information in the EURIPID database and which research questions could be answered with this data. The results pointed that in European countries considerable difference in the minimum wholesale unit price of the original (i.e. reference product) and biosimilar medicines remains. Compared to other European countries, the number products containing adalimumab available on the Slovenian market is comparably high. Furthermore, The overall annual expenditure on adalimumab-containing biologicals has been reduced since biosimilars‘ market entry at the end of 2018 due to reduction of the price of the original product and increased utilisation of cheaper biosimilars.

The last part of the workshop contained a high-quality panel discussion in which following experts additionally joined the podium: Liese Barbier (KU Leuven / European Medicines Agency), Dorthe Bartels (AMGROS), Francis Arickx (RIZIV-INAMI) and Frode Hellesnes (Biogen). After a brief introduction of themselves, all six speakers (key note speakers and panelists) discussed about several topics regarding biosimilar. If currenty regulatory approval procedures are deemed sufficient and if panelists would need more support by regulators. Measures to encourage the uptake of biosimilars and open points regarding prescribing requirements or compulsory substitution. The takeaway messages of the panelists were:

  • To capture the benefits of biosimilar competition for patients and healthcare systems, not only today but also over future years, we need holistic policy measures, focus on stimulating sustainable competition over the longer term, and collective action across stakeholders
  • Important to work close together and use the local/nationale system (competition and tender) to make the best set-up for launch biosimilar in the market. Quick uptake of biosimilar means great savings for payers, while at the same time more patients are in treatment
  • Biosimilars are not necessarily Best Value Biologicals
  • The biosimilar void and product supply has become a major future challenge. We are at a crossroad, if we want to take advantage of the opportunities future biosimilars represents we need to improve the market framework in many countries. History demonstrate that free competitions (e.g. tenders & contracts developed in close cooperation between buyer and sellers) works and strict regulations do not.

EURIPID Webinar on Price Developments

This year the EURIPID collaboration will organise a series of webinars to present current important developments in the field for pharmaceutical pricing & reimbursement.

The second webinar will be held on Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 1 PM, and the target group of this Webinar are (1) members of the EURIPID collaboration, (2) National Competent Authorities on Pricing and Reimbursement and Public Healthcare Payers (NCAPR), and (3) Stakeholder in the area of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement (patients and consumer groups, doctor and pharmacists associations, pharmaceutical industry, etc;) . The webinar serves to strengthen cooperation with public institutions and stakeholders in the field for pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement. It aims to analyse price developments in different markets and provide guidance on how data collected in EURIPID could contribute to evidence-based decision making. Therefore at this webinar three policy brief produced under the EURIPID ACCESS grant will be presented and discussed with participants.

Due to the broad target group and expected number of participants, there will not be enough time for an open discussion, but a structured discussion. The idea of a structured discussion is to submit questions or comments in advance. All registered participants will receive the slides of the keynote 10 days prior to the webinar (11/05/2024), which allows to cluster similar questions or comments. Questions and comments should be sent to by 20/05/2024

If you are interested we would kindly ask you to register by writing a short e-mail to Looking forward to see many of you at the webinar.


Join the EURIPID Workshop at the PPRI Conference

The WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, located at Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG/Austrian National Public Health Institute) in Vienna organise this year 5th PPRI Conference. From Thursday, 25 April till Friday 26 April Health experts will discuss at the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna about „Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies“. The EURIPID Collaboration has been invited to organise a conference workshop on Friday, and we are very pleased to anounce that we have developed a very interesting session titled „How the Euripid collaboration contributes to improving access to biosimilars“.

Biosimilars have an efficacy and safety so similar that they are considered interchangeable with their reference medicines. They hold the potential to contribute to the financial sustainability of health care systems and improve access to medicines for patients. Despite their advantages, barriers remain and to a certain extent impede their successful entry into the market or uptake by health systems. During the workshop experts will explore reasons for those barriers and dicuss potential solutions.

Here is the programme for the EURIPID Conference workshop on Friday, 26 April 2024, 13.30 – 15.00

  • Welcoming by the Chair of the Session Claudia Habl, Austrian National Public Health Institute, Secratary of the Board of Participants (BoP) of EURIPID
  • Introduction of EURIPID and current EC Grant by Gergely Németh (Semmelweis University, Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund, project manger of EURIPID)
  • Keynote: „Impact of market entries of biosimilars in Slovenia“ by Matjaž Marc, Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Slovenian Republic (JAZMP, tbc)
  • Plenary Discussion on „Biosimilars – Monitoring & policies in the product life cycle management“ moderated by the chair of the session; Speakers at the panel are (in alphabetical order)
    • Francis ARICKX, National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (RIZIV-INAMI)
    • Liese BARBIER, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, European Mediciens Agency (EMA)
    • Magnus BODIN, Medicines for Europe
  • Open questions to panelists from the audiences
  • Wrap-up by the chair of the session

The EURIPID collaboration hopes to welcome many interested participants at the workshop.


Invitation to the EURIPID Webinar

This year the EURIPID collaboration will organise a series of webinars to present current important developments in the field for pharmaceutical pricing & reimbursement.

The first webinar will be held on Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 10 AM, and the target group of this Webinar are members of the EURIPID collaboration as well as National Competent Authorities on Pricing and Reimbursement and Public Healthcare Payers (NCAPR). During the Webinar the Portuguese Medicines Agency INFARMED will present the results of their policy brief about ‚Prices of Human Normal Immunoglobulins in European Countries‘, produced under the EURIPID ACCESS grant. This policy brief aims to investigate the price increases across multiple markets and the webinar will present how EURIPID data can be used beyond external reference price (ERP) purposes.

If you are interested we would kindly ask you to register by writing a short e-mail to Looking forward to see many of you at the webinar.


What is the future of the EURIPID collaboration?

On 19 October 2023 the EURIPID collaboration held its annual Meeting of the Board of Participants (BoP). EURIPID members from 20 countries gathered at the premises of the Polish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System (Agencja Oceny Technologii Medycznych i Taryfikacji, AOTMiT) in Warsaw. The meeting was facilitated by Momir Radulović, the Director of the Slovenian Medicines Agency (JAZMP) who is currently the elected chair of the EURIPID’s BoP. The welcoming speaches by Maciej Miłkowski (Deputy Minister at the Polish Ministry of Health), Roman Topór-Mądry (President of AOTMiT) and Laure Geslin (European Commission) emphasised that EURIPID is a very successful project and within the European Union (EU) a best practice example of a member-state driven initiative. Furthermore, the speakers highleted EURIPID’s contribution to ensure that patients have access to affordable medicines and that health systems remain financially sustainable. During the meeting participants were informed by the project manager Gergely Néméth about the current state of play of the EURIPID collaboration.

This year, Croatia and Malta joined the EURIPID collaboration, raising the number of participating countries to 28. Furthermore, the BoP has also approved the participation of Romania.

A major part of discussions at this year’s BoP meeting was reserved for the future of EURIPID. When EURIPID started more than 10 years ago national competent authorities on pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceuticals faced different challenges than today. Therefore, EURIPID members initiated at the last BoP meeting 2022 in Oslo a process of getting EURIPID ready for the future and its challenges. An important part of this development will be covered by the current EC grant EURIPID ACCESS which aims to analyse options and to develop early warning mechanisms in the EURIPID website and database to detect excessive pricing. The major guiding principle for EURIPID’s further development will be to turn information into knowledge and how public institutions in the field of pricing and reimbursement of medicines can benefit from it.


Chairs of WHO/Europe Access to Novel Medicines Platform (NMP) have been anounced

At the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in September 2022 it was agreed to establish a formal stakeholder collaboration platform – the WHO/Europe Access to Novel Medicines Platform (NMP). The aim of the platform is to identify concrete actions, including pilot proposals, to improve affordable and equitable patient access to effective, novel, high-cost medicines in the Region. In order to achieve this goal, specific objectives have been defined which will be  further elaborated in three working groups: (1) Transparency, (2) Solidarity, and (2) Sustainability. The objectices and particularly the results of those working groups will be  subject to consultation with stakeholders to ensure that all relevant perspectives and concerns are considered. In August WHO/Europe has disclosed the names of the new chairs of the NMP’s three working groups, and the EURIPID collaboration is very proud that EURIPID’s chair of the Executive Committe, Francis Arickx from the Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (INAMI-RIZIV) , will chair Working Group 1 on Transparency. This group will focus on reaching agreement on what information can be made more transparent and identifying key indicators that improve and standardise the collection, analysis and use of metrics on patients’ access to novel, cost-effective medicines. Since EURIPID is engaged in improving transparency since its start, the EURIPID collaboration is happy that future discussions in NMP will be shaped by one of its most experienced and knowledgable members!


Croatias re-entry into EURIPID

EURIPID is proud to announce Croatias re-entry into EURIPID. After careful negotations and fullfilling the necessary reqirements, Croatia has once again become a full-member of EURPID. Joining EURIPID brings numerous benefits. EURIPID supports countries by sharing pricing information on a wide range of pharmaceuticals. It helps policymakers to make informed decisions, monitor price developments and assess market competitivness.


EURIPID provides data for OECD Report

On 14 February 2023 the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a health working paper on “Exploring the feasibility of monitoring access to novel medicine“. The OECD undertook a pilot study in EU Member States that aimed to determine the utility and feasibility of routine, cross-national monitoring of access to medicines across multiple dimensions. The researchers applied a mix of methods to explore how the various dimensions of access could be monitored systematically with routine  data. Since the EURIPID collaboration is committed to enhanced collaboration with international organisations, EURIPID provided aggregated data for the analysis by OECD health experts. The published working paper presents key learnings from the desk review and country survey to which 21 EU Member States responded, with a focus on exploring the utility and feasibility of the processes of monitoring and measurement. The report acknowledged EURIPID’s current efforts in routine data collection and emphasised EURIPID’s potential for monitoring several dimensions of access if it is able to collate more public information in different areas and is able to extend its scope.

Here you can find the whole report.