Project collaboration agreement between EURIPID and WHO

The EURIPID (European Integrated Price Information Database) Collaboration and WHO Headquarters have signed a project collaboration agreement. The aim of the project is to improve the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines, and other health products. For the duration of the project, the EURIPID collaboration will assist the WHO with knowledge development, standards setting, and country level capacity building related to the management and analysis of pharmaceutical price data. A major outcome under this objective will be the development of a handbook to guide pharmaceutical price analysis and interpretation, including a glossary, data definition, methodological choices and reporting standards. Furthermore, there will be two feasibility studies under WHO leadership with a view on supporting future establishment and implementation of web-based tool(s) related to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of pharmaceutical price information. The agreement will be valid for an initial period of two years, but both parties expressed their intention to continue a fruitful collaboration.


Webinar on Best practices in the public procurement of medicines

Public procurement of medicines (PPM) is highlighted in the European Commission’s (EC) “Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe” as an area where actions can be taken to improve access to medicines for patients in the European Union (EU). Therefore the EC commissioned a “Study on Best Practices in the Public Procurement of Medicines”, which was recently published by the EC ( Results of the study on optimising public procurement of pharmaceuticals will be presented in a webinar, taking place on 7 Februar 2023, 10:00 CET. The study analyses practices for pharmaceutical procurement of medicines in thirty-two countries. A focus in the study has also been laid on possible effects of procurement practices on access to pharmaceuticals, which are considered in detail. You will have the opportunity to discuss procurement policies and practices in Europe with invited experts and a wider audience of stakeholders.

Here you can register for the webinar.



Call for Experts

On 30 Sept. 2022, the WHO Fair Pricing Secretariat launched a call for experts for the new Technical Advisory Group on Pricing Policies for Medicines, at Call for Experts: WHO Technical Advisory Group on Pricing Policies for Medicines.

Deadline for the Expression of Interest by experts in the field is  25 November 2022.



Project Leaflet

We are pleased to present our project leaflet. The folder shows our achievements, gives an overview about the organisation and an outlook for the future.



Achivements in the first decade 2010 – 2020

The Added Value Document gives an overview of the achievements of the EURIPID project and an outlook on the future roadmap that is for now discussed with the EURIPID partners.

You will find more information and the document on the following website.


Board of Participants meeting

The Board of Participants met for their 10th annual meeting in Oslo, kindly hosted by the Norwegian Medicines Agency NOMA. Main discussion points where the future roadmap of EURIPID for the second decade of the collaboration. Also, the Chair of the Board of Participants and two new Executive Committee Members have been elected, see our governance structure here.

EURIPID Webinar series on pharmaceutical pricing

The webinar series of the Euripid collaboration on various pricing topics was a huge success. All together 230 persons attended the meetings, whereby the two last ones were only for competent authorities and affiliated bodies. Register to our newsletter and to be informed about upcoming events. Read the summary of events here.

2nd Webinar on price comparisons

On 22 February 2022, the EURIPID collaboration organises the second webinar on „Price Comparisons – From theory and practice“.

The target group of this webinar are European National Competent Authorities for pricing and reimbursement (NCAPR) as well as Members of the EURIPID collaboration and associated partners.

The aim of this webinar is to develop an understanding about comparison of prices of pharmaceutical products. The webinar will present different fields of application and discuss their rationale and its limi-tations. A focus will be on External Reference Pricing (ERP), i.e. when price comparisons are used for setting the price of a pharmaceutical product, and a presentation of the EURIPID Guidance Document on ERP. The participants should develop an understanding about the path-dependency of this pricing method and how methodological decisions have an impact on outcomes. Furthermore, the participants should build up an understanding how ERP-policies in countries are intertwined and how international coordination / collaboration can contribute to better outcomes with regard to patient access to medicines.

Pharmaceutical pricing webinar January

The first basic webinar in the new series on pharmaceutical pricing organised by the Euripid collaboration took place on 28 January 2022 and was, with more than 150 registered participants, a huge success.

After an introduction by the Chair of the Board of Participants, Francis Aricks (RIZIV/INAMI, Belgium), the project coordinator Gergely Németh (NEAK, Hungary) explained Euripid in a nutshell.

Then keynote speaker Peter Schneider (GÖG, Austria) gave a comprehensive, yet thorough, overview about different pharmaceutical pricing policies, and how they are applied in European countries. The focus was on the description of archetypical policy interventions and a discussion of their benefits and limitations.

All questions that were sent in by 26 January were covered in a structured format and nicely surrounded by a discussion on potential long-term sustainability measures for the pharmaceutical financing system.

The presented slides including the keynote as well as the Agenda of the meeting can be found under the following page.

Members‘ Meeting September 2022

We would like to announce that the BoP meeting took place on 21st September 2021. DG SANTE presented insights of the European Pharma Strategy, AIFA gave an overview of the publication „Medicine price transparency and confidential managed-entry agreements in Europe: findings from the EURIPID survey. In: Health Policy, 125;9 (2021)“ and the Austrian National Public Health Institute gave some useful inputs regarding the feasibility on the potential integration of Medical Devices into the EURIPID website. Also, elections to the Executive Board took place.

All members can download the documents from the Intranet website.