Things you can do with EURIPID data

The EURIPID database constitutes more than 30 Mio. data points on prices of medicinal products and since 2019 also information on volumes and the existence of Managed Entry Agreements (MEA) in EURIPID member states. This makes EURIPID a valuable source of information for analyses in the field of pharmaceutical pricing & reimbursement, beyond purposes of External Reference Pricing (ERP).

Three policy briefs produced under the EURIPID ACCESS project funded by the European Commission give insights how such analysis could look like. On 21 May 2024 the EURIPID Collaboration organised a stakeholder webinar, at which the results of the policy briefs were presented. The studies—conducted in Belgium, Portugal and Slovenia—looked at anti-diabetic drugs, human normal immunoglobulin and biosimilars, respectively. As part of the project grant the methodological approaches and results of those policy briefs will be used to improve the database and to support EURIPID members by generating business intelligence reports.